Are You in Debt Crisis?

The difference between being “in debt” and being “in debt crisis” is that by being in debt crisis means you cannot afford to make the minimum repayments on your debts or pay for your other outgoings. Almost everyone is in debt, mortgages, car loans, credit cards, and the difference is how manageable these debts are. The fortunate among us can manage our obligations indefinitely, but many of us find ourselves in a situation where we cannot seem to control our outgoings.

Don’t panic and don’t go into denial.

Going into denial can be seen by hiding the bills, throwing them away unopened, keeping the debt from loved ones. The stresses this brings can become intolerable and may lead to health and relationship problems as well as the mortgage itself. You do not need to keep it to yourself; it is more harmful to do so. As Martin Lewis says: There is no such thing as an unsolvable debt problem.

If you are facing debt difficulty, you need to obtain free and professional advice. And we can point you to several resources which will help you regain control over your financial life, rather than it controlling you.

We suggest you avoid resorting to any old debt solution. Do not go to a ‘debt consolidation service,’ this approach is not the way to gain control over your debts! Obtain an advisor or at least obtain advice through recommended or official signposts.

Here are a few :

Citizens’ Advice Bureau
Consumer Credit Counselling Service
Community Legal Advice
National Debtline
Woodley Lighthouse Debt Advice

Check out Martin Lewis’s Money Saving Expert advice on debt management; there are great forums and information from this well-known money expert.

It is best to utilize the help of a debt counselor one on one. Get control of your financial life today.