What is Liability Insurance?

Are you business for yourself, or do you work as an independent contractor? Imagine this for a moment …

You have a business, and a small child falls and breaks his leg on your property. This is an incident that you have to ask, what are the insurance obligations? If you have it, you will be protected from the expensive attorney fees to defend yourself and the medical bills that you have to pay for this child if you lose your case in court.

This is the reality of the world in which we live. People demand it because their coffee is too hot or because they are too stupid to see where they are going. It must have been the company’s fault because I slipped and fell on my own feet on their land. No one wants to blame others for their actions, and this is why they call a lawyer who handles personal injury and prosecution cases.

If they sue your business, there is a high probability that you will go bankrupt or at least cause damage to your business. They will make you have to pay a lawyer and if you lose you have to pay the amount of settlement or the amount determined by the court.

This can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars and can get you out of business. However, you can protect yourself with liability insurance. This insurance will protect you from these lawsuits and can protect your employees from accidents and suits as well.

You can choose the level of coverage you want, and your liability insurance will even cover part or all of your attorney’s fees. This insurance can prevent you from going out of business because of something stupid like being sued because you are serving coffee that is too hot.

So, to answer what insurance coverage is, you can only find one thing. This is your life, your business, your integrity, and your protection all the time. This is what you need to stay in business and stay protected. It’s better to have liability insurance and never use it, than not to have it and be sued and run out of your business.