Are You Broke?

Are you in debt and broke? You probably blame the world crisis or somebody else in this. The first thing to remember – everyone is responsible for himself only. Keeping this fact in mind the life itself becomes much more manageable. Only you are responsible for what has happened.

There are, of course, some ideas on how to improve your situation and get you out of debts. The second thing you should do is to review your life entirely from somebody else’s point of view. Try some psychological techniques for that. Being broke is not the same as being dead. Japanese samurais in ancient Japan used to say: “Even if somebody is very sick, he still can live a day or two.” So think of your situation from this point of view. Also remember that among 7 billion people on the planet there are people that continuously lack food, water or shelter. They are even in a worse situation than you are.

Another thing to think about is the revolutionary idea that your current situation is the perfect time to review your life entirely and start everything from scratch. Many people in the course of history changed completely their life paths several times and finally came to harmony with themselves and the world.

As for me, I used to be a dishwasher, a machine operator, a shop assistant, and a university teacher. Nowadays, I am an SEO Consultant/Life Coach/Goodwill Volunteer, and I finally realize the fact that my current life situation might not be my final one. There are a lot of paths in your own life, and it is up to you to decide which one to choose.