The Power Of Leverage In Creating True Wealth

The Meaning of Leverage

The word ‘leverage’ is a potent building tool used in creating wealth. Leverage income is a real income derived from the efforts of others. This relates to revenue generated from your business and those under you.

According to Robert Kiyosaki said, and I quote: “Leverage is the reason some people get rich, and others do NOT get rich.”

Leverage is the ability to achieve substantial profits from smaller investments – whether the investment in time, energy, or money.

How to use time, energy and money

By learning how to use your time, the money will make you create real wealth not only from your efforts but from the efforts of others.

Use leverage to earn passive income in an online business.

American Billionaire – John Paul Getty says this, “I prefer to get 1% of the efforts of 100 people rather than 100% of my efforts”.

Leverage is a benefit that generated when used effectively.

How to Make Leverage Income

If you don’t have money as an investor, you can make leverage income. How? Without utilizing other people’s resources (money), very few entrepreneurs can start their new business. This is the reason why companies offer stocks for sale to the public – use your money to create real wealth.

Another way traditional businesses use it is to hire people to work for them. While employees trade one day’s work for one day’s wages, business owners increase the efforts of their employees and get paid for the cumulative work of all employees. It is impossible to improve your business if you are the only one who does all the job.

Benefits of leverage

The team of people with the same vision will always have the capacity to achieve more than an individual no matter how hard he works. The benefits of leverage, when applied correctly, will often.

• Improve your standard of living and lifestyle.

• This will create financial freedom by getting residual income.

• Have more time for yourself and family

• Continuous income

• You are your boss


If your purpose and purpose in life is to have more time for yourself and your family, create real wealth that is never dry even in old age, then using leverage to build residual income is the solution and the secret to getting residual income. When leverage lost in any business, the business does not have a vital tool in creating wealth.

In the words of T. Harv Eker said: If you don’t use leverage, you work too hard and produce too little.

The power of leverage in creating real wealth is now available to you. You can learn to work smart and not challenging to use the power of leverage.