What Is Liability Coverage?

If you are driving an automobile, the need for auto insurance is clear. The purpose is to cover any expenses that arise if you are found to be at fault in a car collision. Some people who are hard to insure or those who do not have a lot of money to put toward this expense may think they can get away with not purchasing this type of insurance, but believe this at your peril.

Carrying Liability Insurance Keeps The Costs Down
Liability insurance, which will pay for the property damage and the bodily injury that you may cause, will make you compliant with your state’s regulations. Some states require that you have at least liability insurance to operate your vehicle. For those who are not under this requirement, at least you will have coverage that will pay the other people hurt in the collision that you may cause without it ruining you financially.

The Types of Liability Coverage

Bodily Injury Liability: This is an extensive type of coverage for people who have been injured in an accident caused by you. The people covered are anyone riding inside your vehicle as well as the people outside of your car, which was hurt.

If your insurance company is required to pay under the bodily injury liability coverage, it will cover many things including:

  1. Lost wages
  2. Medical Expenses
  3. Rehabilitation Costs
  4. Hospital Bills
  5. Physical Therapy

Property Damage Liability: Property damage liability covers the property that was damaged in a car collision where you were found at fault. It does not just cover the vehicles, but it can also cover property outside of the vehicles including:

  1. Fences
  2. Light Poles
  3. Buildings
  4. Utility Poles
  5. Mail Boxes